Thursday, December 27, 2012

On to the next.

Momma dukes and I on Christmas Eve!
 So Christmas came and went in the blink of an eye, now it's on to New Year's! Ian and I received some seriously generous gifts from family and friends. It's always wonderful spending time with those you care most about. I am going to keep this post short, but I wanted to tell anyone who is reading this that I hope your holiday was full of love and joy, and may your New Year be the same!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

So I spoke too soon yesterday and realized when I got home from work that I had MORE labels to make and filing to do, bleh. Just finished that, and now I am almost 100% positive that I am actually done filing and label making, and no, my eyes did not bleed, surprisingly

Other than labeling and filing, this work day has been reDONKulous so far, but I finally have time to breathe which is nice :).

I came up with a last minute Christmas gift idea yesterday! My family has absolutely ZERO photos of Ian and I where we aren't making a ridiculous face or just being ridiculous in general. So, we are giving them a nice and normal photo of the two of us, in a frame of course. I think they'll appreciate that.

This is said photo. Easter 2012

As far as losing weight goes, I am waiting to see if the end of the world is really tomorrow. If it is, then no diet for this gurrrl! But if it's not....then I guesss I should start exercising again and eating better. Of course I'll be much happier if the world doesn't end, but if it does, there's a good chance I won't even know it happened...ever.

On a lighter note, if and when tomorrow comes, once the work day is over, can you say "Hello four day weekend?!" Sooooo ready for this work week to be over, and this mini vaca to begin!

Oh, also, I've come to the conclusion that, like most people now, I'm enjoying listening to Lana Del Rey. I wasn't too sure about her at first, but I listened to some of her songs on youtube last night and I dig it. I am also happy she stopped bleaching her hair and decided to go with a better look. You go Elizabeth Woolridge Grant!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Files, files, files!

I've been filing and making labels for files and moving files from one place to another for the last two days. If I have to file or any of the above, my eyes will surely bleed.

Thankfully this only happens once a year.

On the bright side, yes, there's a brightside, it made the work day go by a whole heck of a lot quicker!

And hey! It's almost Christmas :) and our Christmas shopping is 99% done! Exciiiitting!

Happy Holidays Ya'll!

Friday, December 14, 2012


I am determind to get Julie to learn how to balance a treat on her nose. Video to come.
But for now, sleep.


It's crazy to think that it's already almost been a full year since my first, and last, post on here. A whole lot has changed since then. Ian and I have moved, rescued a pup, and gotten engaged! All great things, but we all know that along with so much good can come so much bad. We lost Ian's father to cancer this past April. A very heartbreaking time. Feels like just yesterday, but also feels like so long ago. Julie, our pup, got attacked this year by another dog. We were walking her around the block of our old neighborhood like we always did, and we stopped to say hello to the family across the block and as we went to leave, the dog next door to that family jumped it's fence and attacked her. I pulled her up by her leash to try and grab her, but was too late and the dog bit her near her bum and jerked her around in its mouth for what felt like a lifetime, but was probably more like 5 seconds. Thankfully, the kids that were suppose to be watching the dog got it to stop and walk away. We brought Julie to the emergency vet about a half hour away, and while we were waiting there we happened to see our friends Jem and Jamie there as well. Their little chihuahua Olive had also gotten attacked by a different dog just blocks away from where Julie got attacked. Sadly, Olive was so badly wounded that she did not make it. Julie had surgery and is now fully recovered, and Jem and Jamie opened up their hearts to another baby pup who they named Fig.

Now here we are, December 14, 2012, just a few days away from Christmas. When you're a child time goes by so slowly. It's like you're in a race to get to the next milestone of your life, and you never believe it when people tell you that one day you're going to look back and wonder where the time has gone. Now that I'm almost 25, I realize how true that was. It's a shame it takes us so long to realize that and to appreciate the now.

Well, I will leave you with some photos of this past year. If I do not return before the new year, I hope everyone has an awesometastic holiday and the happiest of happy new years!

Ian and I at his 10 yr high school reunion. Incase you were wondering, that was a cat face prop on my face.

This is Julie on her first birthday!

These two are Georgie Porgie and Murphy, our house panthers.

This is Julie and I are the Pet Walk the weekend I decided it was a good idea to cut 90% of my hair off >_<

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fresh start!

New year, new me! I started Nutrisystem last Sunday and in one week I've lost over 10lbs....kind of crazy huh? But I'm going to stick to it and see where it takes me. On a different note, Ian and I went to the Wrentham Outlets to shop earlier, and surprisingly, we didn't get much. It wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be, oh well. More money in my pocket haha. I'm hoping to start taking more pictures so I can add them on here daily. I always enjoy blogs with photos more than those without them. With that said, time to put on my Forever Lazy courtsey of Ian's brother and his girlfriend Cindy haha. Have a terrific rest of your Sunday!